Dissecting the AirPort Express · Embedded Ideation
- Added on 2023-08-13
- Page: http://embeddedideation.com/2014/03/dissecting-the-airport-express/
- See on Internet Archive
- #new
I became interested in exploring the AirPort family of routers a few weeks ago, after learning of an easily accessible serial port on the AirPort Express 2nd Generation N router (thanks to Chris, a.k.a. capin for sharing the discovery). While searching for information about this device, and the rest of the AirPort family, I discovered that there really isn’t that much out there. There are just a few blog posts and teardowns available on the web with virtually no discussion of custom firmware builds, hacks, or other in depth analyses. Out of the desire to explore something yet unknown, I picked up a couple of routers. This post documents some of my findings and thoughts on what could be done next with these devices. I currently only possess the 2nd Generation N model of the AirPort Express; more posts may come when I’ve acquired more hardware to investigate.